This is a base question I am often asked and in most cases simple natural home remedies can be used to soothe and treat the affliction.
Coconut Water
A red burning itchy scalp is generally characterized by a tingling, prickly, burning hot sensation and is thus most likely caused by one of the following:
I Have A Burning Red Itchy Scalp - How Can I Get Rid Of It?
Sunburn or Chemical burn
A reaction to the hair products you are using
Excessive drying of the scalp through the use of harsh shampoos and conditioners, particularly ones that consist of ingredients such as Sls (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) - a strong de-greasing agent
A Fungal InfectionEmotional stress, bodily exhaustion, and poor diet can also influence your scalp and cause irritations although to a lesser extent. They will tend to be more aggravators than causes of your burning itchy scalp.
Remedies To Get Rid Of Your Burning Itchy Scalp
Take A Look At The Shampoo You Are Using
Many shampoos on the market today consist of strong ingredients and chemicals that will continue to seriously aggravate your red burning itchy scalp. By selecting a good simply pH-balanced shampoo you can ease the pain and burning sensation, and begin to treat your scalp problem.
Natural ingredients such as Yucca (a natural foaming agent), along with Chamomile, Tea Tree, Coconut, and Manuka Honey, are excellent at killing bacterias and fungus's and soothing your scalp.
Contrary to beloved opinion, these shampoos are not commonly much more expensive than the approved ones you see on the store shelves, commonly because there aren't huge marketing campaigns behind them. In fact in many cases they will work out cheaper.
Use Natural requisite Oils In Your Hair Products
Lavender Oil and Neem Oil are particularly good for getting rid of red sore burning itchy scalp problems, and Rosemary Oil will help to soothe your scalp. Oils like Jojoba, German Chamomile can reduce inflammation, and Tea Tree Oil has great anti fungal and hygienic properties.
These and other requisite oils will often be found in the natural shampoos, but giving a itsybitsy extra boost will also work wonders. Lemon or lime juice are excellent additives too (will be called Citric acid on the shampoo label), and can assuredly make your hair look and feel great.
Birch Tree Remedy
Birch is great for clearing up skin irritations. Put in order like so:
Boil the bark of birch trees in water Remove from heat, strain the combination and let cool Apply to affected areas
Anti-Inflammatory Chamomile Compress
Boil a pint of water Add 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers Leave to steep and cool Apply to affected areas
Chamomile oil dabbed on scalp sores is very soothing
I Have A Burning Red Itchy Scalp - How Can I Get Rid Of It?
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